One Month In

It’s been over 7 weeks since I was last in DC. In some ways, that feels like a long time ago and in others it feels like just yesterday. Transitioning back to rural Indiana has definitely been an interesting adjustment and not a day goes by that I’m reminded of something from the summer. Pieces of my heart are spread throughout DC. Every Monday night, I am reminded of Rossy – the wonderful woman who slept on a bench in a park behind the White House. I met her towards the end of my summer and had the opportunity to talk with her and pray with her every week after that. Some days, I’m reminded of the women at Downtown Cluster or the kids at Children of Mine or the neighbors on the street that became familiar faces. Still other times, I am reminded of the adventures in our little basement room with my staff.

I have been at school for a little over 6 weeks and the time continues to fly! Classes started 3 weeks ago and I am already ready for a vacation. This semester has brought with it new challenges and new joys, and we aren’t even halfway through it! Each class is teaching me so much more about who God is and more about my leadership. The coolest part about my classes is how applicable they are to my job as Assistant Resident Director. I have the best boss ever (S/O to Beth) who encourages well and models self-care better thananyone! And the rest of my staff is an incredible source of joy and laughter pretty much always.

PC: Aubrey Baker (above)

In the midst of it all, I am continuing to learn what obedience looks like in this season of my life. Big decisions are looming and I am learning what it means to wait patiently for the Lord. I wish growing up was easy, but unfortunately it is not. The past three years of college have definitely been unexpected and have brought me to a place in my academic career/professional development that freshman Brooklyn would probably not recognize. But that’s the beauty of this journey – I continue to grow and stretch and learn more about myself and my purpose. I’m excited to see how all the pieces come together one of these days.


7 years ago