
My brain used to be filled with lots of words. In fact, writing was the way I could process the world around me – to make sense of everything going on. Over the past year, I’ve journaled through a notebook and a half, written various blogs, and talked at length to close friends.

But now, I find my brain quiet. I’m at a loss for words.

I don’t know how to write out my thoughts because I can’t find the words. It’s like my life is stuck in writer’s block and I can’t find my way out.

I had hoped that by writing anything, words would come, but instead I’m sitting here more frustrated that I can’t articulate anything other than the word “word”.

Over the past several months, life has not been dull. I’m learning my new job, hiring and training a new team, dealing with family emergency after emergency, and trying to maintain rhythms of rest and of connection. I’m questioning and discovering and relearning. And yet, words escape me.

Hopefully soon I’ll find my words again. Until then, I’ll keep trying new strategies to find my way out of writer’s block. As the wise old Google suggests: maybe I’ll go on a hike, spend some time picnicking in the park, or pick up yoga again. ((If you have other ideas, let me know!))

I’ll leave this post with this encouragement I am carrying with me from Morgan Harper Nichols (highly encourage theStoryTeller app).

May it be so.

4 years ago