
I wrote this over 1 year ago – it’s honest and vulnerable and raw. I share now as a reminder to my occasionally lonely heart and as an encouragement to you, the one who is lonely. Breath in, breath out. We’re going to make it through.

I wish there was a better, less sad word 
To describe how I feel.

Because there are good things,
Great things even,
Happening right now.


And yet,

One year of heartbreak
That has left me alone
To pick 
                  p i e c e s
And find me again.

Overlooked and rejected.
By the ones I least expected,
And needed the most.

Who will be there for me?
Who will see me?
Who will hear me?

Yet there is One
Who sees me,
              hears me,
                         wants me.

The One who sings over me,
Sits beside me,
Goes before me. 

One who recklessly loves,
Patiently awaits,
Honestly speaks.

When I am alone,
He is near.

When I can't see Him,
He is constant.

When I am overlooked,
He sees me.
Fully and completely.

In the middle of my loneliness,
May I experience the presence 
Of the very One 
Who promises
Never to leave me
Nor forsake me. 

3 years ago

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