When I Am Weak

I realized how little time I have left in the District before I go home and get ready for school. In 8  days, I will be sleeping above ground and going to church at my mom’s church. This summer has flown by. Each day has been filled with its own adventure. Each week, a new lesson in obedience.


Let me catch you up on the past few weeks.


A few weeks ago, I got to travel to Chicago to guest host at CSM Chicago, where I got to work with my one of my very favorite people (Kristina, I’m talking about you!). The week before Chicago was hands down the most difficult of my summer. I was challenged not only personally, but relationally and professionally. When I left for Chicago at the end of that week, I pleaded with God for a better week and a renewed spirit.


And boy did He answer that prayer. My group was from the ‘burbs of Chicago and they were AMAZING. My students were excited and joyful. They persevered through difficult sites. They also were open to learning more about the city they already knew, and welcomed me into their group graciously. My leaders were awesome. From music in the car and coffee on the way to deeper conversations about service and the students, I enjoyed my time with them. I love the way that the Lord uses people as reminders of who He is. When I got back to DC a week ago, I was refilled and ready to do it again.


On a quick, semi-related note, Scott, a leader from that week, has an Everything Playlist that y’all should follow! If you like a little bit of everything, this 703 song playlist is for you! Click here to find the playlist!


Last week has been the most interesting of all weeks. Brandon and I hosted groups from a public school. We had to restructure our prayer tour and call it a “reflection tour,” which didn’t prevent us from slipping and asking them to pray/calling it a prayer tour all week. We debriefed at several of the monuments (see picture below), as per usual, but there was something about these debriefs. We talked about hard topics, like stereotypes and racism, and were able to recognize our own beliefs about other people based on culture or ethnicity. We talked about breaking down barriers between us and others. At our final debrief, they affirmed one another for over an hour, telling their teammates about the great ways they served throughout the week. I was almost in tears several times, as they thanked Brandon and me for hosting them and dealing with their craziness and as they expressed their excitement for someone else. The Lord was so evident all week long and I know that he will use this week in the lives of these students and leaders.



I saw how the Holy Spirit used Brandon and me this week to be a light through our weaknesses. There was no way patience and kindness and joy came from me this week, because I was weak on my own strength. But when I am weak, He is strong.


I know I’m not doing that week justice, because there is just so much more I could say – more details and stories and conversations. If you ever want to hear those, I would be happy to tell you. I saw God in a brand new way this week, and I’m so thankful for my public school kids and leaders for showing me that.


This week will need some more processing time, so hopefully I’ll be able to blog in the next few days about it!


Thank you to those of you that have been praying with me and for me this summer. I really could not do this without your support and encouragement!


Prayer Requests:
– for DC: that the Lord would continue to use His people in dark places
– for Children of Mine: this is one of our ministry partners. They are an after-school and summer program for kids in a neighborhood called Anacostia and they provide a place for kids to be kids. Pray that Ms. Wanda and Ms. Mae would have renewed strength to continue doing the work of the Lord there and that He would bless their ministry.
– for my team: that we would have the strength and the energy to finish strong
– for our groups to come: that the Lord would prepare their hearts for His service in DC
– for our groups who have gone: that the Lord would continue to stir in their hearts as they learn what missions looks like in their own community


I realized how little time I have left in the District before I go home and get ready for school. In 8 days, I will be sleeping above ground and going to church at my mom’s church. This summer has flown by. Each day has been filled with its own adventure. Each week, a new lesson in obedience.

Let me catch you up on the past few weeks.

A few weeks ago, I got to travel to Chicago to guest host at CSM Chicago, where I got to work with my one of my very favorite people (Kristina, I’m talking about you!). The week before Chicago was hands down the most difficult of my summer. I was challenged not only personally, but relationally and professionally. When I left for Chicago at the end of that week, I pleaded with God for a better week and a renewed spirit.

And boy did He answer that prayer. My group was from the ‘burbs of Chicago and they were AMAZING. My students were excited and joyful. They persevered through difficult sites. They also were open to learning more about the city they already knew, and welcomed me into their group graciously. My leaders were awesome. From music in the car and coffee on the way to deeper conversations about service and the students, I enjoyed my time with them. I love the way that the Lord uses people as reminders of who He is. When I got back to DC a week ago, I was refilled and ready to do it again.

On a quick, semi-related note, Scott, a leader from that week, has an Everything Playlist that y’all should follow! If you like a little bit of everything, this 703 song playlist is for you! Clickhereto find the playlist!

Last week has been the most interesting of all weeks. Brandon and I hosted groups from a public school. We had to restructure our prayer tour and call it a “reflection tour,” which didn’t prevent us from slipping and asking them to pray/calling it a prayer tour all week. We debriefed at several of the monuments (see picture below), as per usual, but there was something about these debriefs. We talked about hard topics, like stereotypes and racism, and were able to recognize our own beliefs about other people based on culture or ethnicity. We talked about breaking down barriers between us and others. At our final debrief, they affirmed one another for over an hour, telling their teammates about the great ways they served throughout the week. I was almost in tears several times, as they thanked Brandon and me for hosting them and dealing with their craziness and as they expressed their excitement for someone else. The Lord was so evident all week long and I know that he will use this week in the lives of these students and leaders.

I saw how the Holy Spirit used Brandon and me this week to be a light through our weaknesses. There was no way patience and kindness and joy came from me this week, because I was weak on my own strength. But when I am weak, He is strong.

I know I’m not doing that week justice, because there is just so much more I could say – more details and stories and conversations. If you ever want to hear those, I would be happy to tell you. I saw God in a brand new way this week, and I’m so thankful for my public school kids and leaders for showing me that.

This week will need some more processing time, so hopefully I’ll be able to blog in the next few days about it!

Thank you to those of you that have been praying with me and for me this summer. I really could not do this without your support and encouragement!

Prayer Requests:
– for DC: that the Lord would continue to use His people in dark places
– for Children of Mine: this is one of our ministry partners. They are an after-school and summer program for kids in a neighborhood called Anacostia and they provide a place for kids to be kids. Pray that Ms. Wanda and Ms. Mae would have renewed strength to continue doing the work of the Lord there and that He would bless their ministry.
– for my team: that we would have the strength and the energy to finish strong
– for our groups to come: that the Lord would prepare their hearts for His service in DC
– for our groups who have gone: that the Lord would continue to stir in their hearts as they learn what missions looks like in their own community


8 years ago

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